In these days bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and cricketer Virat Kohli are enjoying honeymoon in Finland. Recently some of their new photos have been revealed. In these photos, Virat is making a ponytail mouth and Anuska is laughing at them seeing them. Virat has shared these photos on their Instagram and wrote captions, 'Their expressions ... 😍😍😍😍'.

Anushka and Virat married on December 11. Now, two receptions will be arranged for their marriage. The first wedding reception will be held on December 21 in Delhi. It will be for Anuska and Virat's relative.

The Second Reception will be held in Mumbai on 26 December. It will be for celebrities of cricket world and Bollywood.

Anushka Sharma And Virat Kohli First Honeymoon Picture

In these days bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and cricketer Virat Kohli are enjoying honeymoon in Finland. Recently some of their new photos have been revealed. In these photos, Virat is making a ponytail mouth and Anuska is laughing at them seeing them. Virat has shared these photos on their Instagram and wrote captions, 'Their expressions ... 😍😍😍😍'.

Anushka and Virat married on December 11. Now, two receptions will be arranged for their marriage. The first wedding reception will be held on December 21 in Delhi. It will be for Anuska and Virat's relative.

The Second Reception will be held in Mumbai on 26 December. It will be for celebrities of cricket world and Bollywood.

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